Friday, March 4, 2011

The Church of Latter Day Saints

Our church, of God, we are grateful for many things, such as our prophet (Thomas S. Monson), apostles, and our Savior.  I believe in our church, I know I have faith, I trust God and I do my best.  I am also greatful for all of our Savior's miricales.  He has created the earth.  I am also greatful for his blessing, I count my blessings (count your blessings).  He taught us how to die, get baptized and taught us how to pray. I read my Scriptures every Sunday and that's what I'm going to tell you about.  Joseph Smith wrote the bible and Scriptures (Book of Mormon).  He wrote the scriptures because he belived if those things.  Do you memorize your Articles of faith?  He wrote that too.  At General Conference, Thomas S. Monson said wonderful talks.  He talked about his life, Scriptures, and Jesus.  At Church when we have Sacerment, the bread reminds us of Jesus body, The water reminds us of his blood.  When the people go up and say prayers, and blessings, and talks they do there hardest work, they go up and say wonderful talks.  If you been up there are really brave.

1 comment:

The Pierce Family said...

I love your testimony, Carter, and I have loved reading your blog. I am so impressed by how strong your feelings are for the scriptures and for Joseph Smith, who is so important to our church. It makes me want to give you a big hug.

Just remember though, Joseph "translated" the Book of Mormon; he didn't actually write it or the Bible: that was the job of all the ancient prophets long ago. Still, Carter, I think you are so adorable. I loved all your posts about food--made me homesick for all those yummy American things! Love you and miss you!!
Counting down till July, Love aunt Tiffany