I have ideas for inventions I could build one day . I'll explain 3 of 'em. First is the bad breath detector .
You may need a :
A tiny fan
First you glue the tiny fan to the headphones make the the plug attach to the headphones. then you plug it in. Allow me to demonstrate . If your friend forgot to brush their teeth put it on . So whenever they talk to you, their breath will not go near you.
version 2: The automobile 10,000
You may need:
a motor that connects
to a remote
a carton of milk
small flashlight
tape or glue
4 wheels
1st you get the carton and put the motor and flashlight in the carton. The flashlight helps it glow in the dark. 2nd you make designs on the paper with crayons. Then tape or glue your design to the carton. Then glue the 4 wheels in the corners of the carton. Then you use the remote to drive your automobile.
version 3: helicopter 6000
You may need:
glue or tape
Old pens
medium box
motor that connects
to remote
First you would get the medium box . On the paper make your own design with crayons the same size as the box . Tape or glue your design onto the box. Then glue the old pens to the bottom of the box . Inside the box put the motor in it. Use a fasten to put the helicopter propeller on top of the box. Also use the remote to control it. Now you may fly your helicopter. That's it. I can invent many things and so can you.
great ideas, Carter. You continue to be very creative. Well done.
I'll try one of those projects one day. Probably the first one! :) -Mom
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